Politik, Wissenschaft und – ja, Sie lesen richtig! – Linguistik

Noch in den zwanziger Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts war Deutsch die gebräuchlichste Wissenschaftssprache. Bis 1933 hatte Deutschland mehr Nobelpreise errungen als irgendeine andere Nation, mehr als England und die Vereinigten Staaten zusammen. Dann kamen Hitler und seine Politik der systematischen Lüge (und Verbrechen). Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war Deutsch nur noch eine Sprache unter anderen, und deutsche Wissenschaft büßte ihren einstigen Rang weitgehend ein.

Politik, Wissenschaft und – ja, Sie lesen richtig! – Linguistik weiterlesen

Jenner on Jenner: Outline of a mind-related biography

As human beings we are controlled by emotions and by our intellect – at any time both are invariably involved, even if it sometimes seems as if we are dealing with either purely emotional people or pure intellectuals. A mathematic formula, for example, which to an average person may seem as cold, lifeless and repellent as a prison wall, may produce enchantment and ecstasy in a mathematician who perceives it something extremely beautiful and elegant. In other words, he experiences much the same feelings as a musician who is playing Mozart or Bach. Feelings and the intellect don’t present themselves to us with an either-or, but we may definitely speak of prevailing tendencies.

Jenner on Jenner: Outline of a mind-related biography weiterlesen

Psycholinguist Steven Pinker: How a great scientist turned into an enemy of himself – and of truth

Steven Pinker’s book „The Language Instinct“ is certainly still one of the best books ever written on the rather elusive subject of language: comprehensive in its wealth of facts, intelligent in its argumentation and fascinating in the refreshing wealth of ideas. Psycholinguist Steven Pinker: How a great scientist turned into an enemy of himself – and of truth weiterlesen