Kapitalismus, Reichtum und Macht

Bei allem Gejammer über den Neoliberalismus geht manchmal die Einsicht verloren, dass die vergangenen zweihundert Jahre den größten Fortschritt in der Geschichte des Menschen bewirkten – vorausgesetzt natürlich, man beschränkt sich ganz und gar auf dessen materiellen Aspekt. Kapitalismus, Reichtum und Macht weiterlesen

Capitalism, Wealth, and Power

The current moaning about neo-liberalism, tends to obscure the fact that the last two hundred years have seen nothing less than the greatest progress in human history, provided, of course, that we are willing to define progress in a purely material way. Capitalism, Wealth, and Power weiterlesen

Ownerless society – from Marx to neoliberalism

Marx wanted it – but neo-liberalism achieved it: societies without property and owners. The term is, however, inherently contradictory. Someone always exercises control over the physical environment, i.e. e. the houses, offices, workshops, factories, even rivers, lakes, and every square meter of forest. In other words, somebody always acts as the owner of property. In this sense, ownerless society is based on illusion. Ownerless society – from Marx to neoliberalism weiterlesen