Europe’s political madness

Wheat is still wheat, and pigs are pigs – that’s the difference with regard to computers, mobile phones or even cars, where every generation of products is subject to perpetual innovation. In essence, nature has created the pig (once this used to be God’s prerogative), since even the interferences of breeders are still rather limited. The so-called progress of agriculture is therefore almost exclusively due to the fact that pork, wheat, milk, and so on get cheaper. Europe’s political madness weiterlesen

Neoliberalism: Death of a pseudo-science

Ten logical objections and empirical arguments against persistently held dogmas in current economics

The principle of neoliberalism may be summarized in the following formula: The best way of guaranteeing a maximum performance for the economy is to keep government entirely out of its sphere. Its role should be confined to ensure the safety of personal property, which it does by using police and justice to this very purpose. Neoliberalism: Death of a pseudo-science weiterlesen

Wealth without growth – Why the current economic system is incompatible with sustainable development

Since 1972 when the Club of Rome first invoked the dramatic consequences of unlimited growth, global awareness as to the relationship between growth and environmental destruction has been considerably sharpened. Growth is no longer considered a boon pure and simple. Ecological minded people start to make a difference between positive and harmful growth. Of course, growth itself is no evil. Wealth without growth – Why the current economic system is incompatible with sustainable development weiterlesen